Thursday, March 5, 2020

SAT words. From Extol to Panegyric - Private Tutoring

ACT/SAT words. From Extol to Panegyric BobbiM Apr 25, 2014  ACT/SAT coming up?  Calm your nerves by learning these words. Extol; v. To praise highly.   They extolled me when I returned after receiving my bachelors degree with honors. Kudos; n. Praise; a compliment. Kudos to whoever came up with the brilliant idea of sliced bread. Laudable; adj. worthy of praise and/or recognition. She did a laudable deed and because of this, she was very much loved in the community. Meritorious; adj. deserving of award, merit, or praise. I admired his meritorious behavior of attempting to save the child. Panegyric; n. A formal public compliment or elaborate praise. After all chaos politician had caused, there was much panegyric when he resigned from his place of office. Praiseworthy; adj. Meriting praise and high commendation. Everything he did was praiseworthy and thats why I so easily loved him. Abominate; v. To detest thoroughly. He was an abominable person who was so forceful and mean. Admonitory; adj. Mildly cautionary, reproving, or scolding. The teachers admonitory tone made me know I was close to getting on her last nerve. Berate; v. To scold angrily and at length. She berated her daughter for coming home long after curfew. Blameworthy; adj. Worthy of blame or reproof; guilty; deserving punishment. Everything she did was blameworthy. She put behind every act her rebelliousness. Castigate; v. To criticize thoroughly, even to punish for an infraction. After I got in a physical fight at school, I was castigated by my father and grounded for two months. Censurable; adj. Deserving of censure or blame. This material is censurable and needs to be blocked.

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